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Archenfield Community Environment Group (ACEG)

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Archenfield Community Environment Group

In 2021 Llangarron Parish Council set up a working group to help it respond to climate and environmental issues with the community. The aims and objectives of this working group known as the Archenfield Community Environment Group (ACEG) are as follows:


To reconnect the community with the land we live on, fostering a shared love and respect for the Earth and all its inhabitants. By nurturing this relationship, we aim to inspire care, responsibility, and a sense of belonging that supports the well-being of both people and the planet, now and for future generations.


1.    For the community to have an awareness and understanding of what we can do together and individually to reduce the effects of
       climate change and ecological damage


2.    For all residents to take an active role in reducing the effects of climate change so increasing the sustainability of the whole community
       and beyond.


3.    Aiming for the community to be seen as an ‘environmental champion’ and that we actively take the message to other communities 



1.    To support creative responses to the challenges of climate change and all resource depletion which provide opportunities for making
       better ways of life in the community now and in the future.


2.    To identify and share information about and raise awareness of issues which support the community with opportunities for positive ways
       to affect change. 


3.    To identify and share educational and other resources that will inform and encourage residents to improve the community’s resilience
       to climate change and its ecological health.


4.    To encourage and support residents undertaking activities that progress towards a more environmentally sustainable way of life.  


ACEG now has several projects running across the parish and the wider communities, and organises regular talks, visits and events, as well as monthly newsletters. 



Monthly Archenfield Repair Café every second Saturday of the month, at Llangrove Village Hall or The Garron Centre. Repair, reuse, and refreshments!  Open to all for the repair of toys, textiles, small furniture, electronics, IT and much more. Fresh local cakes, coffees and teas. 

ACEG Dark Skies group: advising and encouraging the local community to reduce their energy use and support nature recovery by turning off or screening unnecessary outdoor lighting and externally facing indoor lights. 

ACEG Community Tree Nursery: growing on seeds and saplings from local sources and providing them for small-scale tree or hedge planting.
Bat boxes: monitoring bat activity in the community and supporting bats by installing volunteer-made bat boxes across the parish. If you have a tree free of ivy to 18ft high with a clear route to the east, west or south we could provide you with a bat box.

Incredible Edible Food troughs: providing herb and edible flower troughs for everyone to enjoy and experiment with! The first one is in the Llangrove Village Hall car park.

Balsam Control Project (new 2025): eradicating Himalayan Balsam from the brooks and waterways of the area to restore the biodiversity and integrity of the banks. A 2–5-year project with fortnightly work parties clearing this invasive species.

ACEG Energy Group (new 2025) is a group interested in researching alternative energy sources for the community and advising residents on ways to save anergy in their homes. 


ACEG provides a monthly newsletter with news on upcoming events local information, notifications and articles about regional, national and international issues of interest. Sign up here. or


What can you do?

Please email us if you would like to be involved, for example: do you have a particular interest, skill or experience, time and energy to support a project or campaign? Are you particularly anxious to act now on climate and ecological issues and want to collaborate with others?


Or if you would like to hear more of our plans:


Please email us at this address.



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Repair Café Facebook Page



Current group members:  Cllr. Wendy Price, Mel Griffin, Ayuen Lual, Kieran Channon, Ant Copus, Margaret Tilley, Clare Cherry

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Llangarron Community Association

The Garron Centre, Llangarron, HR9 6JP

© 2024 Llangarron Community Association

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