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Archenfield Community Environment Group (ACEG)

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What is Archenfield Community Environment Group?


Following the lead of Herefordshire County Council, Llangarron Parish Council declared a climate emergency in September 2021 and also agreed to form a working group to focus on issues in the community such as:

• Energy and buildings

• Food waste and recycling

• Transport

• Care of the environment

As a group of concerned volunteers, the Archenfield Community Environment Group (ACEG) is working towards a plan of action designed to mitigate against the impact of climate change across our local communities of Three Ashes, Llancloudy Llangarron and Llangrove.

We recognise that reducing our carbon footprint is  challenging however by working together we aim to be able to make a real and sustainable difference to the lives of everyone.

We would like to support any resident or local group that wishes to act to reduce negative impact on the worlds climate or the ecology of our beautiful countryside. However we are not climate experts, so we will seek out and invite in experienced and skilled people or companies that can help when we need to.


The Official Bit - these are our aims and objectives:


1. To support the community to have an awareness and understanding of what we can do together and individually to reduce the effects of climate change and ecological damage.

2. For everyone to take an active role in reducing the effects of climate change so increasing the sustainability of the whole community and beyond.

3. Aim for the community to be is seen as an ‘environmental champion’ and that we actively share the message to other communities.


To support creative responses to the challenges of climate change and all resource depletion which provide opportunities for making better ways of life in the community now and in the future.

1. To identify and share information about and raise awareness of issues which support the community with opportunities for positive ways to affect change.

2. To identify and share educational and other resources that will inform and encourage residents to improve the community’s resilience to climate change and its ecological health.

3. To encourage and support residents undertaking activities that progress towards a more environmentally sustainable way of life.

4. Launch and establish The Great Collaboration in the parish – an online record of action and outcomes as a result of the whole community’s effort.

What next?


The Great Collaboration.

ACEG is affiliated to The Great Collaboration through the parish council. This is an innovative, web-based advice and information site designed for anyone to use.

On The Great Collaboration website, you can see suggestions for actions you can take now or commit to doing in the future. You can also identify those you can’t do but would like to know more about.

Have a look at the platform here:

What can you do?

Please email us if you would like to be involved, for example: do you have a particular interest, skill or experience, time and energy to take on a project or campaign? Are you particularly anxious to act now on climate and ecological issues and want to collaborate with others?

Or if you would like to hear more of our plans please email us at this address.

Current group members:


• Nigel Moore

• Wendy Price

• Clare Cherry


Thank you.

We are all very aware of the climate emergency and COP26 has drawn the world's attention to how important it is for us all to act wherever we can to reduce our carbon footprint. A new group has been set up in the community to support anyone who would like to learn more about what we can do together and individually.








If you want to learn more please contact us through the email address


A simple "YES" in the header will mean that we can keep in touch with you. Please feel free to circulate to anyone you think might be interested.


Periodic email newsletters are published. The two initial editions are included below.  To view the library of newsletters follow this link.



Subscribe to email newsletters: To subscribe to email newsletters please click here and sign up.



Click on the image below to see a report about the Open Day

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Click on the images below to view the first two newsletters as pdfs

Newsletter November 2021.jpg
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Newsletter November 2021 p2.jpg
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