Useful Links
Herefordshire Council​
Click here to link to Hereford Council website for a wide range of information about the county including:
Council Tax Rates, Business Rates
Waste collection & Recycling
Transport, Planning
Schools, Potholes
Blue Badge Licences, Parking Tickets
Llangarron Parish Ward Report by Cllr Elissa Swinglehusrt​
Please click here to be added to Elissa's distribution list to receive her latest report for Llangarron Ward.
Llangarron Parish Council
The Parish Council website contains details of the following:
Council Members
Meeting Dates
Meeting Minutes
Current Planning Applications
Neighbourhood Development Plan
Click here to visit the website.

Llangarron Parish Neighbourhood Plan
For the latest updates please see Parish Council website
Llangrove CE Academy
The primary academy at Llangrove is the catchment school for the community. However local children also attend Whitchurch and St Weonard's and private schools in Monmouth.
Click here to visit the website.
Llangarron News
Email Newsletter​
Email newsletter are published roughly every fortnight and sent to subscribers who provide their email address.
Click here to view the latest newsletter.
Subscribe at

Border News Church Parish Magazine
The link below will take you to the online version of the parish magazine which includes information on the local churches, village news and a directory of businesses in the surrounding area.
Llangrove Leapfrogs Preschool
Llangrove Leapfrogs is a community run childcare setting managed by an elected committee of parents and professionals.
We provide attentive and enriching childcare for babies, toddlers and preschoolers, as well as wrap-around care for primary school children
Click here to visit the website.
John Kyrle High School​
JKHS in Ross-on-Wye is the catchment school for Llangarron. Children also may apply to Monmouth Comprehensive School or the private schools in Monmouth.
Click here to visit the website.

Post Office
St Weonard's and Peterstow general stores also have Post Office counters.
There are main Post Offices in Ross-on-Wye near to Sainsburys and in Monmouth in The One Stop Shop on Monnow Street.
The BP Garage next to Starbucks on the A40 in Ross has a Collect+ facility.
Daily collections are made in the morning from post boxes in Llangarron, Llangrove and Whitchurch.

There are local general stores at Whitchurch, Peterstow and St Weonards.
Ross-on-Wye has Aldi, Morrisons, Sainsburys, Boots,WH Smith plus butchers.
Monmouth has Lidl, Marks & Spencer, Waitrose, Boots, WH Smith, Homebargains, Majestic and butchers.
Both towns have a good range of the usual independent coffee, gift, clothing, and book shops.
Pengethley Garden Centre at Peterstow has a farm shop.
Garway Heritage Group
The group explores and share the rich heritage of Garway and the surrounding area via its website and meetings.
Click here to visit the website.
Ross on Wye Area Tourist Information
Local tourist and visitor information including the wider Forest of Dean area.
Click here to visit the website.
Visit Herefordshire​​
Local information website covering attractions, whats on, accommodation etc.
Click here to view the website.
Regular Activities
Llangarron Short-mat Bowls
Monday 7 - 10pm
Llangarron Village Hall
Llangarron Pop-up Pub (occasional food truck)
1st Friday
The Garron Centre: 6pm - 10pm
Llangarron Community Cafe
3rd Saturday
The Garron Centre: 10.30 am - 12 noon
Llangarron Whist Drive
2nd Thursday 7.30pm
Llangarron Village Hall
Regular Activities
Beavers, Cubs and Scouts
Every Tuesday in term time
Llangrove Village Hall
Beavers: Rosie Kelsall
Cubs: Jon Clatworthy
Scouts: Chris Harris 01989 770344
Llangrove & District Gardening Society
1st Thursday
Llangrove Village Hall
Contact: Ruth Walker 01989 770831
Llangrove Leapfrogs Stay and Play
Mondays from 9am & during holidays
Llangrove CE Academy
£2 a family plus £1 for extra siblings.
Fresh Air Friday: 1.15pm - 2.30pm
Contact: Wendy Price 01989 770450
Rainbows and Brownies
Every Monday term time
Llangrove Village Hall
Contact: Wendy Price 01989 770450
Table Tennis
Fridays 6-7 pm juniors (FREE)
7-9 pm adults every week
Llangrove Village Hall
Contact: Mick Proctor 01989 770374
The Royal Arms Quiz
Fortnightly on Thursdays: 8.30pm
Contact: Claire or Peter Nottage 01989 770267
Village Singers
Every Monday
All welcome young or old
Llangrove Village Hall
Contact: Janet Taylor 01989 770736
Walking Group
1st & 3rd Thursday
Llangrove Village hall Bus Stop: 9.30am
Contact: Jane Oakley 01989 770311
Women's Institute
3rd Thursday
Llangrove Village Hall: 7.30pm
Contact: Maggie Pridgeon 01989 770435